8 Jun
min to read

Pros and cons of AI in customer service

Process Efficiency
Support Technology
Written by

Valentyna Dimova

Head of the Customer Service
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Valentyna Dimova is a customer support expert with over two years of experience at EverHelp. Currently, she leads the Support and Customer Care team, leveraging her data analysis and project management skills to ensure exceptional customer experiences. Valentina's background also includes a prior role as Customer Support Team Lead, demonstrating her strong leadership and team management abilities.

The advent of AI in customer service has sparked a heated debate: Is AI a curse or a blessing for customer support and support agents? On one hand, AI promises efficiency, speed, and cost savings. On the other, it raises concerns about the quality of interactions, job displacement, and the impersonal nature of automated responses. As AI technologies become increasingly sophisticated, these questions grow more pressing.

And who better to explore this dilemma than customer support experts like us at EverHelp? Today, we will dive deeper into the intricacies of AI in customer service, examining its potential to transform customer interactions, enhance customer experiences, and streamline operations. We'll also confront the challenges it presents, ensuring a balanced perspective on whether AI is truly the future of customer support. Allons-y! 

If you’re ready to revolutionize your customer support now, whether with AI or without, contact EverHelp, and we’ll help you level up your customer service! 

How AI customer service transformed customer interactions

AI in customer support started with just simple automated response systems and basic chatbots back in the early 2000s. Picture this: a customer asks a question, and a bot replies with a canned response that barely scratches the surface of their issue. 

These early tools were limited, handling only straightforward, frequently asked questions and providing predefined responses. They lacked the ability to understand context or engage in meaningful conversations, often leaving customers frustrated.

But oh, how things have changed! Fast forward to today, and AI has undergone a remarkable evolution. Thanks to advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, AI has become smarter, more intuitive, and more capable than ever before. Now, AI can understand complex queries, engage in natural conversations, and even anticipate customer needs before they arise. And these advancements give AI the capability to impact a few processes in customer support:

  • Availability
  • Interaction Personalization
  • Response Times
  • Workflow Efficiency
  • Predictive Support
  • Insight Generation

Can AI improve customer experience? 

The question on everyone's mind: Can AI truly enhance the customer experience? Well, recent data reveals compelling evidence that artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing customer experience.

A staggering 91% of businesses with AI in their support units express satisfaction with its effects. Additionally, 56% of teams report feeling more optimistic about the technology enhancing their success compared to last year. These statistics underscore the significant impact AI is having on customer service.

Key advantages attributed to AI implementation include:

  • Improved consumer service (69%)
  • Decreased wait times (55%)
  • Streamlined workflows (54%)
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction (48%)
  • Better use of data and analytics (41%)

With such clear benefits in play, it's evident that AI is reshaping customer experiences for the better.

Benefits of using AI in customer service 

“For the better” might sound quite vague, right? To be more specific about AI in customer support and its effect, we prepared for you a list of benefits. So, let's dive into the concrete advantages of using AI in customer service.

benefits of AI in customer service

Automated customer service

AI revolutionizes customer service by automating repetitive tasks and processes, such as reviewing and responding to customer inquiries. This automation enables businesses to handle interactions more efficiently, freeing up human agents to focus on complex issues. For example, AI-powered chatbots can swiftly address common customer queries, providing instant responses and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Faster response times

AI accelerates response times by swiftly analyzing incoming queries and delivering automated responses. This ensures customers receive prompt assistance, ultimately boosting satisfaction levels. AI-driven email routing systems efficiently direct inquiries to the appropriate department, facilitating quick resolutions and enhancing customer experiences.

Streamlined workflows

AI optimizes workflows by automating routine tasks and strategically allocating resources. By analyzing data and predicting customer needs, AI enables businesses to prioritize tasks effectively and allocate resources efficiently. This optimization enhances productivity and customer satisfaction, contributing to overall business success. 

Our Quality Control Delivery Manager Dmytro Shapoval, says: "AI customer service has significantly transformed the way our team interacts with customers by streamlining the review processing and response workflow. Our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) now utilize AI to process customer reviews, which enables them to craft responses that are both empathetic and personalized. Additionally, AI assists in writing macros, ensuring that our responses adhere to 100% language rules compliance while maintaining empathy”. 

ai cutomer service streamlined workflows

Reduction in operational costs

Implementing AI in customer service leads to significant cost savings by automating tasks that previously required human intervention. AI-powered chatbots handle a large volume of inquiries simultaneously, minimizing the need for additional staffing and reducing overhead costs. Additionally, AI-driven analytics identify areas for optimization, further reducing expenses and improving efficiency.

Efficient resource allocation

AI enables businesses to allocate resources more effectively by analyzing customer data and forecasting demand patterns. This allows for strategic staffing adjustments and resource allocation based on anticipated customer inquiries and peak periods. By optimizing resource allocation, businesses can deliver timely and personalized customer service, leading to increased satisfaction levels.

Lower training expenses

AI-powered training modules and virtual assistants streamline the training process, reducing time and resources required for training new agents. Interactive and personalized training experiences provided by AI-driven simulations facilitate skill development in a cost-effective manner. By leveraging AI for training, businesses can ensure their team is well-equipped to deliver exceptional customer service without incurring high training costs.

Handling high volumes of inquiries

AI-powered chatbots excel at managing high volumes of inquiries simultaneously, ensuring no customer query goes unanswered. During peak periods or promotional events, AI-driven chatbots efficiently handle spikes in inquiries, maintaining seamless customer service experiences. With AI, businesses can effectively manage high volumes of inquiries while maintaining customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Challenges of AI powered customer service

While AI-powered customer service offers a lot of benefits, it's not without its challenges. Unfortunately, alongside the efficiency and effectiveness brought by AI, there are hurdles that businesses must navigate to ensure seamless customer experiences.

challenges of ai powered customer service

Ensuring accuracy and relevance of responses

One of the primary challenges of AI-powered customer service is ensuring that the responses provided by AI systems are accurate and relevant to customer inquiries. AI algorithms must be trained extensively and regularly updated to understand and respond appropriately to a wide range of customer queries and scenarios. Failure to ensure accuracy and relevance can result in customer dissatisfaction and undermine the effectiveness of AI-powered solutions.

Balancing human and AI interactions

Achieving the right balance between human and AI interactions is crucial for delivering exceptional customer service. While AI can automate routine tasks and handle simple inquiries efficiently, there are situations where human intervention is necessary, especially for complex or emotionally sensitive issues. Balancing human and AI interactions requires careful planning and coordination to ensure that customers receive the level of support they need while maximizing the efficiency gains of AI technology.

Handling complex and nuanced customer queries

AI systems excel at processing large volumes of inquiries and providing standardized responses. However, they may struggle to handle complex or nuanced customer queries that require human judgment, empathy, and critical thinking. Addressing this challenge involves equipping AI systems with advanced natural language processing capabilities and integrating them seamlessly with human agents to provide personalized and contextually relevant responses to complex inquiries.

High upfront costs and ongoing maintenance

Implementing AI-powered customer service solutions often requires significant upfront investment in technology infrastructure, software development, and training. Additionally, AI systems require ongoing maintenance, updates, and monitoring to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Managing these costs and ensuring a positive return on investment (ROI) over time can be a challenge for businesses, particularly smaller organizations with limited resources.

Continuous training and updating of AI systems

AI systems rely on machine learning algorithms that require continuous training and updating to remain effective and relevant. This process involves collecting and labeling large datasets, retraining models based on new data, and fine-tuning algorithms to improve performance. Continuous training and updating of AI systems can be resource-intensive and time-consuming, requiring dedicated expertise and infrastructure to ensure the ongoing success of AI-powered customer service initiatives.

Addressing technical glitches and downtime

Like any technology, AI-powered customer service systems are susceptible to technical glitches, errors, and downtime. These issues can disrupt customer service operations, lead to delays in response times, and impact customer satisfaction. Proactive monitoring, troubleshooting, and contingency planning are essential for addressing technical glitches and minimizing downtime to maintain service continuity and reliability.

Adapting AI systems to evolving customer needs

Customer preferences, behaviors, and expectations are constantly evolving, requiring AI systems to adapt and evolve accordingly. Adapting AI systems to evolving customer needs involves analyzing customer feedback and data, identifying trends and patterns, and updating algorithms and models to better anticipate and address customer preferences and requirements. Failing to adapt AI systems to evolving customer needs can result in outdated or ineffective customer service experiences that fail to meet customer expectations.

So, is AI good for customer support?

In assessing the impact of AI on customer service, we've uncovered a world of opportunities and challenges. While AI promises to revolutionize customer interactions and operational efficiency, businesses must navigate hurdles such as ensuring response accuracy, balancing human-AI interactions, and managing technical glitches. 

At EverHelp, we're equipped to help businesses leverage AI effectively in customer support. With our expertise in customer support and experience working with AI technology, we can address challenges and unlock the benefits of AI for superior customer experiences. Just contact us

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