25 Jun
min to read

4 main reasons to outsource eCommerce customer service

Customer Experience
Process Efficiency
Written by

Andrii Panteleienko

Chief Commercial Officer at EverHelp
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Andrii is a senior business leader who helps companies build stronger growth, go-to-market strategies and great teams. Known for bringing new insights, best practices, digital technology, and strategy together in order to achieve high-impact results.

In today's competitive eCommerce landscape, businesses aiming to boost their customer support often weigh several options: expanding their in-house team, hiring freelancers, or opting for ecommerce customer support outsourcing. Increasingly, many eCommerce businesses are recognizing the advantages of outsourcing eCommerce customer support.

At EverHelp, we specialize in providing top-notch support services tailored for eCommerce, and we understand the critical reasons driving this choice. For businesses on the brink of deciding how to best enhance their customer service, we aim to illustrate the compelling benefits of ecommerce customer service outsourcing, helping you make an informed decision that can transform your operations and elevate your customer satisfaction.


Did you know that 70% of companies cite reducing costs as their primary reason for outsourcing customer service?

Outsourcing eCommerce customer service is a strategic move that can significantly reduce operational costs while maintaining high-quality support. And we can name at least five ways how: 

  1. Lower labor costs: Hiring an in-house customer service team involves expenses such as salaries, benefits, and training. Outsourcing transfers these costs to the service provider, allowing eCommerce businesses to access skilled support at a fraction of the price.
Expert insight: Salary, benefits, and other employee-related expenses can be significantly reduced by outsourcing to regions with cheaper labor prices. For instance, in nations where living expenses are lower, recruiting and training support agents is frequently less expensive.
  1. Reduced overhead expenses: Maintaining an in-house team requires physical space, equipment, and utilities. By outsourcing, eCommerce businesses eliminate these overheads, leading to substantial savings. This allows companies to invest more in core areas like marketing, product development, and inventory management.
  2. Scalable staffing: eCommerce businesses often experience fluctuating demand, especially during peak shopping seasons. Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale support teams up or down based on demand, avoiding the costs associated with overstaffing or understaffing. This ensures customer inquiries are handled efficiently, maintaining high levels of service during busy periods without the financial burden of permanent hires.
  3. Access to global talent: Outsourcing opens up a global talent pool, often at lower rates compared to local hires. This access to diverse skill sets can improve service quality, offering multilingual support and round-the-clock availability, enhancing the overall customer experience without inflating costs.
  4. Advanced technology at no extra cost: Outsourced providers often use the latest customer service technologies, such as AI-driven chatbots and advanced CRM systems, included in their service packages. This eliminates the need for eCommerce businesses to invest in expensive software and infrastructure, driving efficiency and enhancing customer experiences without significant internal investment.

Access to Expertise and Advanced Technology

We already touched on how outsourcing can provide access to advanced technology without additional costs. Now, let's delve deeper into how outsourcing eCommerce customer service can give your business a competitive edge through specialized expertise and cutting-edge technology.

  1. Specialized Skills and Knowledge: Outsourcing firms specialize in customer service, bringing extensive experience and training to their teams. This expertise ensures your customers receive top-notch support, with agents well-versed in various eCommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce.
  2. Advanced Technology Integration: Outsourcing partners invest in the latest technologies, such as AI-driven chatbots and advanced CRM systems. These tools streamline customer interactions, improve response times, and provide personalized support. AI chatbots handle routine inquiries, while advanced CRMs track customer interactions for consistent, high-quality service.
Expert insight: CRM systems like HubSpot and Zendesk are essential tools for managing and analyzing customer data. These systems automate processes, give a consolidated picture of customer data, and provide analytics to boost customer service.
  1. Enhanced Data Security and Compliance: Reputable outsourcing firms prioritize data security and regulatory compliance. They implement robust security measures to protect customer data, ensuring adherence to regulations like GDPR and CCPA, which builds trust with your customers.
  2. Continuous Improvement and Training: Outsourcing providers regularly update their training programs to keep teams current with the latest trends and technologies. This commitment to ongoing education ensures knowledgeable and skilled agents provide the best possible support.
  3. Access to Multilingual Support: Outsourcing firms often offer multilingual teams capable of assisting customers from different regions. This enhances the customer experience and supports business expansion into international markets.

Improved Response Rate

Enhancing response rates through eCommerce customer support outsourcing involves strategic advantages that go beyond operational efficiencies. By leveraging specialized outsourcing services, eCommerce businesses can bolster their responsiveness and customer satisfaction levels. Some of the main reasons are: 

  • Scale Responsiveness: Partnering with outsourced providers enables businesses to manage fluctuating customer service demands more effectively. This scalability ensures that customer inquiries receive timely responses, even during peak periods.
  • 24/7 Support Availability: Outsourcing providers offer round-the-clock support, catering to global customers across different time zones. This continuous availability not only meets customer expectations for responsiveness but also strengthens brand reliability and customer trust.
A great example of how effective eCommerce customer support outsourcing works can be seen in our collaboration with Title 👇

Facing initial challenges of extended response times and low customer satisfaction rates, Title partnered with EverHelp to transform its customer support operations.

Previously, Title struggled with response times averaging several hours, resulting in a customer satisfaction rate of 69%. After implementing outsourcing strategies with EverHelp:

  • Response times were dramatically reduced to just minutes, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  • Customer satisfaction soared to an impressive 92%, reflecting the success of the new approach.

Enhanced Customer Experience

And, quite logically, as demonstrated by numerous successful partnerships, outsourcing inevitably enhances the customer experience. 

Apart from the previously mentioned enhancements in availability and response rate, outsourcing customer support offers several key benefits:

  1. Personalized Support Strategies: Outsourcing providers excel in crafting personalized support strategies tailored to meet individual customer needs. By understanding and addressing specific customer requirements, businesses can ensure more effective issue resolution and higher overall satisfaction.
  2. Multilingual Support: Outsourcing allows businesses to provide customer support in multiple languages, accommodating diverse global audiences. This capability enhances accessibility and ensures that language barriers do not hinder customer service effectiveness.
  3. Continuous Quality Assurance: Outsourcing partners implement rigorous quality control measures and maintain high standards through ongoing training programs for support agents. This commitment to quality ensures consistent service delivery and enhances the overall customer experience.


As we've explored, outsourcing eCommerce customer support brings numerous benefits, including cost savings, access to expertise and advanced technology, improved response rates, and an enhanced overall customer experience. By leveraging specialized skills and cutting-edge solutions, businesses can focus on their core operations while ensuring their customers receive top-notch support.

If you're ready to transform your customer service operations and reap these benefits, or if you want to learn more about how outsourcing can work for your business, don't hesitate to contact us at EverHelp. We're here to help you elevate your customer support and drive your eCommerce success.

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