
SaaS & Software
Mili, is video chat app that make it easy to meet new people online. Have lots of fun in private video calls, live video chat, or comfy text chat.
Online service
Everhelp client
2 years


Number of Support Requests

4 min

First Reply Time (FRT)


Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

🤔 Situation to be resolved

  • Number of support members - 1;
  • Number of support requests - 215;
  • First reply time - 207 hours;
  • Average response time - 205 hours;
  • Full Resolution time - 250 hours;
  • Satisfaction Rating - 58.2%

💡 Solution

  • Developed a comprehensive recruitment and training program to establish a shared support team;
  • Implemented comprehensive metrics to track and analyze support team performance, enabling continuous improvement and efficient management of customer inquiries;
  • Enhanced the escalation processes to ensure that complex or unresolved issues are quickly transferred to the respective teams;
  • Established a feedback loop where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and integrated into the product, allowing for ongoing enhancements and alignment with user needs;
  • Provide monthly statistics for the product, offering insights into performance trends and areas for improvement.

🎯 Results

Number of shared team members - 6
Number of support requests - 2493
First reply time - 4 minutes
Average response time - 5 minutes
Satisfaction Rating - 85%

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