
SaaS & Software
Relatio is a website that will teach users how to build harmonious and meaningful relationships. Relatio is #1 Online Relationship Improvement Platform.
Online service
Everhelp client
1 year


Number of Support Requests

4 min

First Reply Time (FRT)


Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

🤔 Situation to be resolved

  • Lack of a structured support team and processes, as the product is relatively new;
  • Challenges handling customer disputes, particularly related to payment services, charges, and unrecognized transactions.

💡 Solution

  • Established a robust recruitment strategy to build a shared support team;
  • Introduced comprehensive metrics to track and analyze the support team's performance;
  • Expanded support channels to include email, widgets, and social media;
  • Enhanced escalation processes to ensure that complex or unresolved issues are swiftly handled by the appropriate teams;
  • Set up a feedback loop to gather, analyze, and integrate user feedback into our product development;
  • Launched ongoing training sessions and workshops to continually enhance the skills and knowledge of our support team;
  • Developed a knowledge base and FAQ section to provide quick and easy solutions for common issues, thereby reducing response times;
  • Implemented a reward and recognition program to motivate and acknowledge the exceptional performance of our support team.

🎯 Results

Number of shared team members - 6
Public replies per hour - 12
First reply time - 4 minutes
Full Resolution time - 58 min
Satisfaction Rating - 86.4%

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