
SaaS & Software
Plantin - is a plant identifier with a database of more than 17,000 species. The app helps with the identification of a plant or its disease, provides plant watering recommendations, adjusts your plant care schedule, and much more!
Online service
Everhelp client
2 year


Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

8 min

First Reply Time (FRT)


Number of support requests

🤔 Situation to be resolved

  • Number of dedicated team members - 7;
  • Number of support requests - 3300;
  • First reply time - 8 minutes;
  • Average response time - 1 hour;
  • Full Resolution time - 3 hours;
  • Satisfaction Rating - 81%.

💡 Solution

  • Established a four-step hiring process for the support team, including a bar-raising stage where a top-level specialist ensures the candidate fits the company culture;
  • Implemented comprehensive metrics to track and analyze the support team's performance, including a quality check that reviews 20% of tickets;
  • Expanded support channels to include email, widgets, and social media, significantly reducing full resolution time and increasing satisfaction ratings;
  • Improved the escalation processes to ensure that complex or unresolved issues are quickly transferred to the respective teams;
  • Established a feedback loop where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and integrated into the product.

🎯 Results

First reply time - 8 minutes
Number of dedicated team members - 7
Average response time - 1 hour
Full Resolution time - 3 hours
Satisfaction Rate - 81%

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